Kolkata – Bosch India has launched CareZeus, a one stop platform that helps the user to access information on availability and accessibility of healthcare facilities in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The platform accumulates critical information ranging from availability of ICU beds, types of medical facilities in a hospital, testing/diagnostic centres, quarantine centers etc. A consolidated view of these critical parameters can help the government and healthcare workers to allocate resources efficiently as well as understand real time utilization of beds and facilities for better planning.

Commenting on the initiative, Mr. Soumitra Bhattacharya, President, Bosch Group in India and Managing Director, Bosch Limited, said, “Bosch stands firm with the nation in its fight against the pandemic. As a company focused on the welfare of the community, we pledge to extend our constant support to the government and the society at large, and the introduction of the CareZeus platform is a positive step towards it.”
The CareZeus platform offers multiple modules which include an Admin Portal, enabling health authorities to have a consolidated overview of all health facilities; a Sub Admin Portal to feed real time data; and an API service that helps websites and mobile applications to consume validated data to reach various categories of users and government departments. To ensure authenticity and accuracy of the information available on the platform, only inputs from credible sources such as district/health authorities will be considered.
The collected data can help guide the government and healthcare workers at the state level to strategize their decisions and fight the pandemic efficiently. This can also inform the general public on the availability of the required medical facilities. As an organization committed towards working for the betterment of the society, Bosch India has made the CareZeus platform available for usage at absolutely no cost. For enquiry and further information on getting started to use the platform, state/district authorities, health officials, hospitals etc. can send an email to care.zeus@in.bosch.com
“With launch of the CareZeus platform, Bosch combines its thought leadership and technological strength in the digital space, at a time when needed the most,” said, Mr. Sandeep Nelamangala, Executive Vice President, Sales (Mobility Solutions), Bosch Limited.
Bosch India stepped in earlier to help the government and citizens combat COVID-19 pandemic. The company had immediately donated INR 5 crores to PM CARES FUND and pledged INR 45 crores for various community welfare initiatives.
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